Salisbury ViaductBuilt in 1912, the Salisbury Viaduct is a bridge that once connected Salsibury, PA to Meyersdale, PA. The bridge was a railroad that transported goods and supplies between the two towns, as well as other larger cities. In 1975 it was decommissioned and transformed into a pedestrian walk/bike trail, which connects to the Great Allegany Passage. |  The Great Allegheny PassageEach year, Meyersdale attracts many cyclists and tourists that enjoy the scenery of the Great Allegheny Passage. Hop on the bike trail, and have a joyous ride! |  Train Station & Visitor CenterVisit the Meyersdale Train Station to learn more about the "Maple City's" historical background. The center is opened every day from 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. |